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I have a client ever since they setup their Citrix VDI environment Windows updates kicks off randomly on all the VDI desktop at the same time taking down their Internet bandwidth because all 80 to 90 desktop are attempting to update from Microsoft.

The VDI are non persistent so they don’t need to be updated since after every reboot or log off they receive a brand new image. The frustrating part with the whole Windows Updates debacle is that Microsoft choose to re-enable the Windows updates and Medic server even if they had it disabled manually or via Group Policy. I would like a list of the Windows Websites as well. Note: This issue began after Microsoft introduced the Windows Medic service and that is how it is able to make sure all computers receives Windows updates.

I think if you disable the Windows Update service the client doesn’t receive more software updates from Internet. There is a 2nd Windows update service that you have to disable along with the normal Windows Update service in your master image.

It’s called the Windows Update Medic service or something like that. When it’s update time we just re-enable both services, update, reboot, and re-disable them in the master image. Hope can help you.

Have a nice day! Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff microsoft.

We have done that, but after a couple of weeks or a few days or if Microsoft pushes out updates then the medic service is re-initialized and the VDI computers will begin attempting to retrieve updates from Microsoft. Check this article out Why do you get Access is Denied message when you try to disable it?

How can you disable Windows Update Medic Service? This post tries to answer these questions. This Service has been introduced to repair Windows Update components from damage so that the computer can continue to receive updates. This means that even if you disable Windows Update related Services, this service will at some point in time re-enable them. Windows 10 schedules a task in the Task Scheduler. This daily task launches the SIH client to detect and fix system components that are vital to automatic updating of Windows and Microsoft software installed on the machine.

This task can go online, evaluate the applicability of healing actions, download necessary payloads to execute the actions and execute healing actions. On my PC it gets triggered every 20 hours. Other notes:. I am very glad to hear that this problem has been solved.

Thank you for sharing. We are very grateful for your time and effort. Please mark a helpful reply as answer , this behavior can let other forum user get useful information. Best regards,. Kiki Shi. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access.

Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Windows 10 General. Sign in to vote. I would like to know how do I resolve this issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated Note: This issue began after Microsoft introduced the Windows Medic service and that is how it is able to make sure all computers receives Windows updates. Friday, October 4, PM. Hi, I think if you disable the Windows Update service the client doesn’t receive more software updates from Internet.

Much appreciated. Monday, October 7, AM. Monday, October 7, PM. Hi, I am very glad to hear that this problem has been solved.

Best regards, Kiki Shi Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. Tuesday, October 8, AM.


5 Ways to Disable Automatic Updates on Windows 10 – Primary Sidebar


We predominantly use Windows 10 Professional at work and I appreciate that updates cannot now be disabled, instead they can be deferred for a period, days for feature updates and 30 days for quality updates. We have international staff who may be at sites with poor internet connections and so large downloads aren’t a good idea. What I was wondering was whether Windows 10 Enterprise offered any extra control over updates?

Can they be disabled? Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. I wasn’t sure if Enterprise by design had the ability to control updates compared to Professional seeing as it costs quite a bit more! If I stop the update service and delete the wuauserv file as you mentioned, if I were to update any device at some point, either manually or via patching we use Ivanti then would this install put the wuauserv file back in place and restart it so updates would once again be running?

Whilst this option is still available I was under the impression it doesn’t actually work any longer? Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Philip Marsh pmarsh. Cheers Phil. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. DaveM Independent Advisor. Hi Philip, you can permanently disable Windows 10 Updates on any version of Windows 10, the old methods no longer work, this method does.

When finished and after a system restart, open the services app and make sure the Windows Update Service is now gone. How satisfied are you with this reply?

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to DaveM’s post on June 18, Hiya Dave Thanks for your speedy response, much appreciated.

In reply to Philip Marsh pmarsh ‘s post on June 18, Hi Phil, deleting wuauserv is a one way operation, it will not be re-installed, so if you think in the future you will need Windows Updates, don’t delete that!

Andre for Directly Independent Advisor. Windows 10 Enterprise includes advanced options for disabling Windows Updates. Double-click Configure Automatic Updates. Create a Notepad file with each of the following and save them with the. The page appears to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the site that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP Potentially Unwanted Products. Thoroughly research any product advertised on the site before you decide to download and install it.

Kapil Arya [Directly]. Hello, You can use Group Policy to block automatic updates. Let us know if this helps! Note: This is a non-Microsoft website. Sumit Independent Advisor Independent Advisor. If you have Windows 10 Pro , Methods 4 and 5 are the best way to resolve this as Windows would always ask you to before downloading updates.

Another way would be to use a 3rd party app like Stop Updates Please let us know if you need any assistance. Standard Disclaimer: There are links to non-Microsoft websites. The pages appears to be providing accurate, safe information. There has been a few responses about using local policies to Disable Windows Updates.

Or is it different in Enterprise? This site in other languages x.


How to Disable Windows Updates in Windows 10 Enterprise on a Citrix VDI.Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates With Ease | Win Update Stop

Was this information helpful? Then re-open the Properties of the wuaueng. Mistakes during this process can have serious negative effects on your computer and its performance.


– 3 Best Ways to Disable Automatic Update on Windows 10

There is no built-in option to permanently disable automatic Windows Updates via Control Panel or Settings App in Windows 10, and by default Windows automatically installs any update found. Not enough information. For more information about a related topic, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: How to schedule automatic updates in Windows Server , in Windows XP, and in Windows Best Wireless Earbuds. More Information I am currently using Windows Update. However, it stopped working. In Windows Specification section, you can learn about the Windows version.

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