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It does what no othersoftware can with its combination of automatic and guided solidmodel extraction, incredibly accurate exact surface fitting toorganic 3D scans, mesh editing and point cloud processing. Now, youcan scan geomagic design x 2016 tutorial pdf free download anything and create manufacturing-readydesigns.
Accelerate Time to Market Shave days or weeks from product idea to finished design. Scanprototypes, existing parts, tooling or related objects, and createdesigns in eownload fraction of the time it would take to manually measureand create CAD models from scratch. Broaden Your Design Capabilities Instead of starting from a blank screen, start from data created bythe real world. Geomagic design x 2016 tutorial pdf free download Design X is the easiest way to createeditable, featurebased CAD models from a увидеть больше scanner and integratethem into your existing engineering design workflow.
Do the Impossible Create products that cannot be designed without reverseengineering, customized parts that require a perfect fit with thehuman body. Create components that integrate perfectly withexisting products.
Recreate complex geometry that cannot bemeasured any other way. Geomagic Design X Overall Features: — Direct 3D scanner control tools for the widest range of the mostpopular devices — Full integration with Geomagic Capture Fref — Supports import of over 60 file formats including polygons, pointclouds and CAD — Expertly handles massive mesh and point cloud data alignment,processing and refining, geoamgic construction — Easy-to-use mesh repair tools deliver rapid hole filling,smoothing, optimizing, rewrapping and polishing tools such as SmartBrush.
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This face shows the solid body is both too small in areas and too large. To fix the inaccuracies of the model, Edit the base sketch. This will align the sketch back normal to the screen.
Select the lower sketch arc and press Delete. Click the Exit button to exit and accept. This surface is not directly editable since it is not based off of a sketch. If changing the Mesh Fit parameters does not create the desired surface, the mesh itself can be optimized and editing to make a better fitting surface. Turn back on the Solid Body visibility. Notice the OK check is not available until the next stage is completed.
This is the portion that will be kept. Turn the Deviation for Body back on in the Accuracy Analyzer dock to see the new resulting body. This will speed up processing time for all proceeding steps instead of making the software rerun the analyzer. Extrude Cut 1. Turn on and off visbility of entities until only the Mesh and Regions are visible. Right Click on the Plane region shown below. This will show if there is any draft from the base plane. The Mesh Sketch Setup can compensate for the draft when projecting the poly-lines back to the base plane.
Figure Sketch the inner cutout using the Line and 3 Point Arc tools. An array of common sketch tools will immediately appear. Select the 3 Point Arc icon. Click on both end points and then the height of the pink polyline radius. Figure Figure Figure Edit and adjust the sketch for a better overall model.
Select Vertical from the Constraints box. Select Parallel from the Common Constraint options. Hold Shift and select one of the vertical lines. Select Tangent from the Common Constraint options. Repeat the process on the other line to create tangency with the arc. Use the Flip Direction arrow next to the Draft input.
Figure 7. Figure Revolve Cut 1. Geometry group. Click the OK to accept and begin sketching. Right-Click on the Vector and select Convert Entities. Set constraints and dimensions then Right-Click in space and Exit the sketch. Figure Create Fillets 1. Repeat the process on the fillet around the outside of the mesh. Add all edges belonging to the same size fillet.
Right-Click the solid edge of the other cut out in Figure , and choose the Fillet icon. This will be used to figure out the varying radius. Adjust the end points to match the pink polyline. Click again to place a new point in the approximate middle of the line. Insert any additional fillets to the model. Open training file 08 — Mech Freeform Surface. Figure Upper Surfaces 1. Having the surface more square to the part will allow for higher quality surfaces in the end.
Hide only the Mesh Fit 1 surface body using the Model Tree. Figure Figure Join Surfaces 1. Select the Spline tool in the Draw group. Repeat Step 2 for drawing a Spline on Mesh Fit 2 as close to parallel as possible to the first spline, then Accept the Spline.
Figure 5. Click the Exit button in the top left corner to finish the 3D Sketch. Figure Figure 9. This will apply tangency to the lofted surface where it connects to the original surfaces. Reasoning for splitting the spline When trimming a surface by a curve, the split points on the curve will create a separate edge along the surface.
Therefore, the surface edge length can be adjusted for lofting by editing the split points. If the edge lengths are of similar size when lofting, the resulting surface will be smoother and of higher quality. Hide Surface Loft1 to view the Mesh with Regions on.
In the 1st stage of the Loft Wizard, set the location and orientation of the Loft. Of Sections, and set the value to 5. Figure Figure 4. Rotate and adjust the manipulator to stretch the preview planes the long way across side body. Click the Next Stage button to continue. A preview of the flow of the fitted surface body will be displayed. Sections can be added by holding Ctrl and clicking and dragging the section planes. Figure Click the OK button to finish the lofted surface.
Create the adjacent surface with a Mesh Fit surface. Figure Figure Join Side Surfaces 1. As done previously, enter into a 3D Sketch to create clean trim lines for lofting between surfaces.
Click the Exit button in the top left corner to finish. Turn on the visibility for Mesh Fit3 and Surface Loft2. Create the next with a Mesh Fit surface. Enter into a 3D Sketch to create clean trim lines for lofting between surfaces.
Hide all surfaces except the new Mesh Fit surface. Exit 3D Sketch with the button in the top left corner. Turn on the visibility for necessary surfaces. Hide 3D Sketch4 and show all the side surfaces.
Check continuity of the surface bodies. Figure Combine Upper and Side bodies 1. Turn on the visibility of the upper and side surfaces Surface Loft1 and Surface Loft4.
Add a rounded, fillet edge to the connection of the two surfaces. Figure 4. Right-Click and select the Exit button to finish the 3D Sketch. Hide the Mesh. Show the Surface Body and 3D Sketch 5 only. Repeat Step 6 using the lower spline and the side surface face. Figure Hide 3D Sketch5. Repeat all of the previous steps on the other side where the fillet becomes unsmooth. Hybrid modeling allows for quickly creating a model which has accuracy and parametric features.
The resulting model is helpful for checking assembly and analyzing. Import training file Knuckle. Choose Knuckle. The file is loaded and displayed in the Model View. Figure Edit and Optimize Mesh 1. Select Knuckle in Feature Tree to edit.
The Copied Mesh can still be used to track these features and shapes to use for sketch based modeling. This command also offers advanced options to control the size of poly-faces and the effects of smoothing a model.
Figure Create Cutting Planes Create reference planes which are used as base sketch. These planes should be located at original mesh not on offset mesh. Click Copied Mesh in Feature Tree. Geometry tab and group. Figure Figure 3. Immediately create a new Plane. Figure Figure 5. Select the region like Figure Figure Figure 6.
Create Sketches 1. Create sketches to cut off redundant parts from solid model for machining. Draw circular sketch line like the figure.
Select the Extrude command. Figure Select the Extrude command. Select the Extrude command with any method. Figure Figure Make a Hole for Assembly 1. Geometry tab. Right-Click in space, then select the Mesh Sketch icon.
Import training file Impeller. Choose Impeller. The single modeled vane can be patterned. Figure In the Tree dock, change the tab to Viewpoint. Figure Align To Coordinate System 1. Create Ref. If needed, Flip Direction of the positive axis. Rotate until the X Axis Right Plane is passing through the edited vane. Create a Mesh Sketch on the Right Plane.
Sketch the inner profile shown in Figure Global Remesh 1. All poly-faces will be remeshed to have the same edge length, resulting in a more uniform mesh. Enable the Edge option under the Mesh section in the Display tab, or press the F8 key on the keyboard. Figure Decimate 1.
Apply the command again by clicking the OK button, then click the Cancel button. Optimize Mesh 1. Click the OK button. Areas of high curvature will become sharper than the original shape. Apply this command again with the same options to emphasis sharper areas even more.
Smooth 1. Objective This training course is designed to show how to edit the mesh of a phone scan to prepare it for the modeling process. Figure Defeature 1. The feature will be removed. Figure Fill Holes 1. Add Bridge 1. Click the Add Bridge button in the Editing Tools. Figure Figure Edit Boundaries 1. This command enhances boundary shapes on a mesh.
The boundary will be changed to a circle. Change the Method to Smooth and select the outer boundary of the mesh. Set the Select N-Depth Boundary to 3. The boundary will be smoothed by 3 poly-faces from the original boundary. Click the Cancel to exit.
Figure Figure Healing Wizard. Remove Dangling Poly-Faces 1. Objective Reinforce common skills, such as importing scan data, region segmentation and editing, and 2D sketching and basic modeling concepts to create a parametric model. Reverse model a casting and iterate the model to the desired result by modifying the parametric features.
Import training file A1-Iterative Model. For example, all Planes will be blue. Use the Extrusion Wizard to quickly create a base body. The automatically selected regions were not appropriate for the desired outcome. Plane Front plane. Select the Next Stage arrow to view and edit the generated sketch and extrusion. It should appear as a rectangle. Inspect the quality of the surface by checking different Surface Analyzing Modes.
The majority of the surface is green so within our desired tolerance. This will show the curvature of the freeform surface. The top, freeform surface is not editable in CAD. The surface is not easily reusable because its flow cannot be controlled by the user. Do not delete or undo the previous body. It can still be utilized in the next method. Create a Mesh Sketch on each of the side faces of the solid body. Set the left and right edges of the base by converting the extracted base.
These lines have a Converted Constraint. Change the lines to Construction Lines. Finish the sketch with the Line and Corner Trim tools. Add Dimensions using the Smart Dimensions command. Repeat the same process for the opposite face. The other two sides needs to be created using Mesh Sketches and the previous sketches. Use a Spline tool and only two points to connect the open entities. This will allow the spline to bend and better fit the polylines.
Repeat this process on the other side. Choosing the profiles from right bottom to left bottom, or left top to right top, will create a surface normal pointed in the desired direction. Check the changes in the different deviations between the Extracted geometry and the geometry created with sketches and dimensions.
Find the position and orientation of the rib feature. The created vector will not be used. Create a Mesh Sketch on the Front Plane with 0 offset.
Sketch the profile of the rib as shown in Figure Use Convert Entities to bring in the lower line of the rib sketch profile. Trim the profile to close the sketch loop. Smart Dimension the sketch to define the rib, then Exit the sketch. Dimensions on the corner points, rather than the arc centers, will allow for easier radii changes.
Drag the arrow until it snaps to the upper boundary of the planar side region. Apply a Fillet to the smaller edge of the rib, the same was as in Step 9. Turn on the Deviation for Body to see how the solid model matches the scan. Make adjustments as needed. Click, hold, and drag the Tangent Arrow around to create a smoother tangent transition. Generate an editable axis for one of the cone features by creating a Mesh Sketch.
Accurate to the scan geometry would be generated, but it would not be easily editable. Quickly generate the cone body with the Revolution Wizard. The second stage allows for slight editing of the revolution and base sketch. After accepting the wizard, investigate the revolved shape by looking from the Front Viewpoint.
A gap between the cone and the rib is revealed. The previous cone was perpendicular to the ref. Create the axis of the second cone by again using a Mesh Sketch.
They polylines will look like Figure Four points are needed to create the parabola. It should be near the apex.
Use Figure to help place the other points of the parabola. Dimensions and constraints will edit and move the entity. This line will be used to set angles and begin other dimensioning. The Revolution Wizard can show how the cone should be made, but it will be difficult to edit. Create a new Mesh Sketch on the new Plane 2. Edits to this axis will change the axis of this cone.
Right-Click on Sketch12 Mesh and select Edit. If needed, adjust any sketch or center lines of the first cone axis or parabola to fit better deviations. Pin Feature 1. Investigate the final pin feature. Create a Mesh Sketch on the Front Plane. Draw the Center Line of the slot. Select the Ref.
Create a Mesh Sketch on this new Plane 3 and begin sketching. Create the sketching plane for the top shape of the pin by generating a new Ref. Create a Sketch on the new Plane 4. Repeat Step 7 to the other profile from Sketch Repeat Step 10 to the slot shaped opening of the pin. Turn on the Deviation for Body to see where all the Fillets are needed. This found value can be adjusted to the nearest round number. Create a new Fillet for the fillet where the casting body meets the freeform face.
Check all needed edges are selected. Create one more Fillet around the edges of the pin. The Face Fillet would keep a constant width even with changes to the face angles.
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More information on the company is available at www. Training File 01 — Mouse Control. Figure 2 End of Activity Ribbon All commands used to create models are stored in the tabs at the top of the interface. Wireframe – Display the mesh as only the poly-edges. Shaded – Display the mesh as shaded poly-faces. Shaded with Edges – Display the mesh as shaded poly-faces with poly-edges visible.
Curvature Display Mode – Turn on or off the visibility of the curvature map of the mesh. Region Display Mode – Turn on or off the visibility of the Regions. Body Display Wireframe – Display the bodies as only the edges. Shaded – Display the bodies as faces with no drawn edges. Shaded with Edges – Display the bodies as faces with edges visible.
Deviation for Mesh — Compare the mesh to its previous state. Curvature — Analyze solid or surface for areas of high curvature. Continuity — Display quality of edge continuity. Environment Mapping — Display zebra stripes on the surface to show continuity. Rectangle – Select entities within a user drawn rectangle on the screen. Circle – Select entities within a user drawn circle on the screen. Polyline – Select entities within a user drawn polyline on the screen.
Freehand – Select entities within a freehand drawn curve on the screen. Paint Brush – Select entities on a freehand drawn path on the screen. Flood Selection – Select all polygons connected to a selected polygon. Extend to Similar – Select an area of mesh with polygons connected by similar curvature. Auto surfacing Use the Auto Surfacing feature to fit surface patches onto a mesh and create a surface body with the click of a button.
Selective surfacing Simplify the hybrid modeling process with the Selective Surfacing feature. Point cloud processing Expertly handle, process, and refine massive mesh and point cloud data alignment and construction.
Reference geometry Extract a reference plane, vector, coordinate system, polyline, or point with multiple combinations of input. What’s New in Geomagic Design X? Geomagic Design X delivers new, enhanced features to streamline reverse engineering workflows, improve part design and quality, and increase productivity, enabling you to: Continue downstream workflows in the CAD package of your choice after transferring the design along with the feature tree from Design X to the CAD package.
Achieve the desired part design in less time by using new and improved sketch tools. Increase productivity by scanning directly inside Design X to avoid a disjointed workflow.
Achieve the intended part design by utilizing advanced modeling options. Increase productivity of downstream operations such as Alignment and Modeling with improved quality and faster performance of region segmentation for a mesh tessellated from CAD.
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Geomagic design x 2016 tutorial pdf free download
Geomagic DesignX – Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or Geomagic Design X is the easiest way to create editable, featurebased CAD. Reverse Engineering Software – the Ultimate 3D Scan-to-CAD Solution | Developed by Oqton | Geomagic Design X. Geomagic Design X, the industry’s mostcomprehensive reverse engineering software, combines history-basedCAD with 3D scan data processing so.