Free othello game pc –
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– Free othello game pc
In this version of Othello you play versus the computer. You play the black tiles and the first move is your. Looking for the old version of Othello? Click here.
Othello is the trading name of a much older board game, Reversi. In both its originally named form and the newer trademark this game has become very popular on computers as much as in board format.
Often referred to as a game of abstract strategy, Othello can only be played as a 2 player game. Made up of 8 rows and 8 columns, the board is populated with pieces from both players in turn. Players battle to finish the game with more of their own pieces on the board than their opponent. The game is classed as finished when there are no spaces left on the board or there are no more possible legal moves for either competitor. Both players begin the game with two pieces on the board in the four centre squares.
No two matching colours are connected vertically or horizontally so a miniature chequered pattern is made. In the typical set ups where it is black versus white the person using black chips must make the first move.
A legal move is one that consists of, for example, a black piece being placed on the board that creates a straight line vertical, horizontal or diagonal made up of a black piece at either end and only white pieces in between. When a player achieves this, they must complete the move by turning any white pieces in between the two black so that they line becomes entirely black.
This turning action must be completed for every legal turning line that is created with the placing of the new piece. It goes without say that while the example assumes the use of black as the moving player, it is applicable both ways. Players will then continue to move alternately until they get to the end of the game and a winner is decided. This decision is reached by identifying which of the two opponents has the most pieces on the board.
For stricter or regulated games there is an alternative method of finishing a game. Players can start with a preset time limit for their total number of moves. There are varying time limits ranging from one minute for coffee break style desktop versions right up to thirty minutes as seen in the world championship rules and regulations. This timing element adds more pressure to the game and forces players to exercise not only a logical approach but also a concise and sharply reactive one.
Battleship Games. Othello Game.
– Othello Download | GameFabrique
Othello is a classic board game developed by Metro Gems. It can be played between two players, or a single person can play against the computer. In each turn, a player plays a disc which converts discs belonging to the opponent to the player’s own color. The game will continue in this manner until the board is full, or neither player can play a turn. The goal is to end the game such that you have larger number of discs on the board compared to your opponent.
It is a classic game originally thought of being invented in England, and is also known as Reversi. The game is very easy to learn, but requires considerable practice to master. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store.
Available to United States residents. By clicking sign up, I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services.
Privacy Statement. Official Club. See System Requirements. Available on PC. Description Othello is a classic board game developed by Metro Gems. Show More. People also like. Super Gomoku Free. Sevens WIN Free. Sudoku Win8 Free. Scopa Free. Peg Solitaire 10 Free. Kifu Free. Features Single player against computer or two player game Easy, medium and hard dificulty levels. Additional information Published by Kamal Aggarwal.
Published by Kamal Aggarwal. Copyright Copyright Metro Gems. All rights reserved. Developed by Kamal Aggarwal. Approximate size Age rating For ages 7 and up. Category Strategy. This app can Microsoft. Permissions info. Installation Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices. Accessibility The product developer believes this product meets accessibility requirements, making it easier for everyone to use.
Language supported English United States. Publisher Info Othello website Othello support. Additional terms Terms of transaction. Seizure warnings Photosensitive seizure warning. Report this product Report this game to Microsoft Thanks for reporting your concern. Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this game to Microsoft. Report this game to Microsoft. Report this game to Microsoft Potential violation Offensive content Child exploitation Malware or virus Privacy concerns Misleading app Poor performance.
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Play Othello online – eOthello – Capabilities
Othello is a strategy board game for two players Black and White , played on an 8 by 8 board. The game traditionally begins with four discs placed in the middle of the board as shown below. Black moves first. Black must place a black disc on the board, in such a way that there is at least one straight horizontal, vertical, or diagonal occupied line between the new disc and another black disc, with one or more contiguous white pieces between them.
In the starting position, Black has the following 4 options indicated by translucent discs:. After placing the disc, Black flips all white discs lying on a straight line between the new disc and any existing black discs. All flipped discs are now black. If Black decides to place a disc in the topmost location, one white disc gets flipped, and the board now looks like this:.
Now White plays. This player operates under the same rules, with the roles reversed: White lays down a white disc, causing black discs to flip. Possibilities at this time would be:. Players alternate taking turns.
If a player does not have any valid moves, play passes back to the other player. When neither player can move, the game ends. A game of Othello may end before the board is completely filled. The player with the most discs on the board at the end of the game wins. If both players have the same number of discs, then the game is a draw. Although the rules of Othello are very simple, mastering the game is not easy. Below you will find a brief guide with concepts that will help you get started.
According to the rules of Othello, once a disc is placed in a corner, that disc can never be flipped back it is “stable”. Because of that, corners are the most valuable squares on the board. Once you have a corner, you can often build more adjacent stable discs around it. In the example below, Black has the corner at h8, and stable discs next to it. Within the Othello board there are squares that are safer than others. When starting a game, it is recommended to play within the 4×4 central area marked by white translucent discs in the diagram below when possible.
It is often not recommended to move on the squares next to corners marked by black translucent discs. Moving in these squares could give the opponent access to the adjacent corner.
A common beginner mistake is to try to get as many discs as possible from the beginning. This is not a good strategy in Othello. A better strategy is to focus on limiting your opponent’s options, while having many possible moves yourself.
This is usually easier to achieve by having fewer discs. In the example below, White, with only one disc, can easily win the game in four moves. If you enjoy learning Othello and want to get better at the game, we recommend Brian Rose’s book “Othello: a minute to learn Brian is the World Othello Champion and his is the most comprehensive book on Othello strategy ever published in English.
Games How to play. Leaderboard Search. Play Othello online Log in Register. Continue with Facebook. At eOthello you can play multiple Othello games online simultaneously and increase your score as you win. Try to reach the top of the leaderboard!
If you haven’t played Othello before, take a quick look at the Othello game rules , and you will be ready to go! How to play Othello. In the starting position, Black has the following 4 options indicated by translucent discs: After placing the disc, Black flips all white discs lying on a straight line between the new disc and any existing black discs.
If Black decides to place a disc in the topmost location, one white disc gets flipped, and the board now looks like this: Now White plays. Possibilities at this time would be: If White plays the bottom left option and flips one disc: Players alternate taking turns.
Basic Othello strategy. Corners and stable discs According to the rules of Othello, once a disc is placed in a corner, that disc can never be flipped back it is “stable”. Danger squares Within the Othello board there are squares that are safer than others. Mobility A common beginner mistake is to try to get as many discs as possible from the beginning. Log in Register.
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– Free Othello Reversi Online game |
Othello Reversi online game Reversi is an old strategy board game invented in The game became popular again in the ’s as Othello. In this online version you can play against the computer or versus a friend: This free game opens as a web page. No installation. No flash player. Mobile friendly. ↓ Scroll down for instructions. The Othello is developed with an easy interface for any and every age. Play it for free whenever and wherever you want, on your phone, tab, or computer! The game contains 30 difficulty levels from beginner to expert. Learn the rules as you go within a short period. Develop your strategies and win against the computer, random players, or friends. Cara memainkan The Othello – Reversi Game dengan GameLoop di PC. 1. Download GameLoop dari situs resminya, lalu jalankan file exe untuk menginstal GameLoop. 2. Buka GameLoop dan cari “The Othello – Reversi Game”, temukan The Othello – Reversi Game di hasil pencarian dan klik “Install”. 3.