Bass guitar logic pro x free.Free Logic Pro X Loops Samples Sounds
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– Bass Guitar Recording In Logic Pro X

Bound limits the antinode of the string in exactly the same way as the fingerboard on a real electric bass. Note: Try some higher values as well. Set Variation to 0. Despite the overtone-rich reflection, the string can still vibrate freely. Notice that the sound is still too smooth for a real slap bass, so try using the Body EQ again. Turn on the Body EQ, and adjust the parameters as follows: Low 0.
Turn off the Body EQ. Also turn off Object 2 and Object 3 for now. Choose the Pick model for Object 1. Timbre determines the angle of the obstacle to the string. Experiment with the amps. Match the amp head to your cabinet by choosing Classic Amp, which features more pronounced gain and EQ colour. The Direct Box is a parallel signal path to the amp. Turn the Mix control all the way to the right and click on the direct box to see and hear it in action.
The controls are simple, as the direct box is designed to be clean. Gating the bass at the end of the chain will be much more difficult, as the distortion will reduce the dynamic range.
Use a noise gate as the first plug-in and it will be relatively easy to ensure that the bass is muted between notes. Dial back the Mix control to get a predominantly amp-led sound but with some direct-box bleed. This is a good way to restore low-end frequencies lost by the amp. Shuffle the insert order so that you place an instance of Pedalboard between the noise gate and Bass Amp Designer plug-ins.
Add the Vintage Drive plug-in so that the bass has a noticeably distorted tone. Place a Splitter at the start of the pedal chain and ensure the Overdrive pedal is moved up to the upper signal patch. The Splitter lets us apply distortion to the upper frequencies of the bass. To make Pedalboard frequency-specific, move the Splitter to Freq mode and set the frequency control to about Hz. Use the Mix control to blend your desired amount of mid-high distortion to the output.
The compressor plug-in can give you different results depending on where it is in the signal path. The setting on the compressor delivers a tight bass sound, using a ratio of about 4. Shuffle the plug-in order again, this time placing the compressor after the noise gate. Depending on your bass guitar, you may actually want to boost here so use your best judgment. Just find a pleasant band of frequencies that gives your bass guitar a bit more edge and boost keep the Q relatively narrow.
Basically, we want to leave the 2nd band unaffected. Bass guitar has LOTS of overtones and that could seriously clutter up your mix if you leave it untouched. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Editor’s Rating: 4. Lots of you have been telling me about your different solutions in the comments. How many record labels are you signed with?
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As well as compression, explore using Distortion across the parallel channel. Not all sounds come with enough low end to give the desired amount of air movement.
Once MIDI data is extracted, you can then synthesise the subsonic frequencies. Arguably, the most flexible synth for this is the ES2. Our first two examples use Parallel processing to enhance the bass end. Create a bus send from the drum submix, and place a Linear Phase EQ plug-in on the newly created Aux fader.
After the EQ, add a Compressor. Use a hard Ratio around and adjust the Threshold for plenty of gain reduction. Click my profile pic if you would like to contact me!
Description : Piano I played myself and added effects to in Logic Pro x. Added a classic EQ to this one. If you guys want me start making more pianos, let me know.
Hope you like it. Description : Guitar I played and added effects to in Logic Pro x. I used a nice Waves reverb for this one, to give it that atmosphere. Description : made with akai mpc live 2 and mixed in logic pro x just add this to your rhodes or keys and you will not regret it. Description : For custom guitar loops or beats check out my profile for my IG click my profile picture.
Register Log In. Free Logic Pro X Loops Samples Sounds The free logic pro x loops, samples and sounds listed here have been kindly uploaded by other users. Filter Find Loops. How does that sound? It has some VERY important information! Many things can be corrected with EQ in post-production, but too much EQ can create phase issues. However, you can get WAY more control by adding a dynamic EQ also known as multiband compression and working with impulse responses via convolution reverb.
Most amp modelling plugins can load in impulse responses, but you can always use Space Designer in post-production to shape the sound even more. I usually set my HP filter around 40 Hz, but you might want to go up to 60 Hz if you want more of a vintage-funk bass tone.
If you go below 40 Hz, you may clutter up your mix so be careful. The plugins used in this guide are exclusive to Logic Pro X but every DAW has similar plugins that can be used to achieve the same results. The principles are the same universally.
It is also written with the expectation that the Bass DI being used is recorded between db and -9db. You can use a sampler in place of a DI and match the output volume previously mentioned.