AmpliTube 4 – amp simulation and guitar gear modeling software
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SSL 2 – Solid State Logic Japan

TRACE ELLIOT is a registered trademark of Peavey Electronics Corporation. スペクトル歯擦音除去は、数多くの帯域を持ったマルチバンド・コンプレッサーです。これは歯擦音のレベルを圧縮 し、これらのスペクトルを成形するほか、アンビエント・ノイズの生成を防止します。各帯域は個別に操作すること も、リンクさせて操作することも可能です。(後述の スペクトル形成スライダー で調整します)そして、帯域のス レッショルドは歯擦音の形状に応じて調整することができます(後述の スペクトル傾斜スライダー で調整します)。. TIP: Helix Native users should definitely try Retro Reel on all sorts of tracks—vocals, drums, keyboards, strings, busses, you name it. FFT分析に使用する異なる重みづけ(ウィンドウ)機能を設定します。ウィンドウ機能により信号のリーケッジとFTTの周波 数ビンを調整します。Rectangularの様に弱めのウィンドウにするとリーケッジが増加し、垂直方向のスペクトログラムが ぼやける場合があります。Kaiserまたはcos3の様に強めのウィンドウにするとリーケッジは発生しませんが、それに伴い周 波数の解像度が若干落ちます。. Power Grid. 波形の数値画面で選択範囲内の波形の情報を数値化して表示します。この情報はクリップなどの問題を発見、修正しやすく するのに役立ちます。また、2つの選択範囲やファイルを比較する際にも便利です。波形の数値画面は有効なトラックの最 新の情報を表示し、トラックのタブを切り替えるときも表示させたままにしておくことができます。. SSL x Sean Divine: Vision.
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Create … September 28, With drums, bass synth, leads and FX these sample are ready for … August 18, Drop some … May 11, Last edited by Vascillate on Mon May 12, pm, edited 1 time in total. Logic 9. Mon May 12, pm which plugin has the problem?
Mon May 12, pm Also, what sample rate and bit depth are you using in your projects? Does it match Audio Midi Setup in Utilities? Mon May 12, pm fisherking wrote: which plugin has the problem? Also, what sample rate and bit depth are you using in your projects? Mon May 12, pm I just bounced Reaktor on one of my offending songs, and the problem happened once but it doesn’t seem to be doing it nearly as much.
Oh well, I was meaning to bump up to 16 GB soon anyways. I will try bouncing Reaktor on my other songs as well, and bouncing any other CPU intensive things.
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Professional Studio Quality, Front To Back. クラス最高のマイクプリアンプ The Art : どのようなマイクを使用しても充分な余裕を持って扱えるゲインレンジを備え、全てのパフォーマンスを細かなニュアンスまで余すことなく捉えるために、細部にまでこだわってデザインされたクラス最高のマイクプリを2系統装備しました。. Tech Specs. 動作環境 : Mac OS ASIO is a trademark and software of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. View Image. Related Products. Related Media. READ MORE. New British models AmpliTube 4 welcomes 5 new classic amplifier models to the mix representing some of the best British tones from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
Brit Valve Pre Rounding out the new Brit series of amps is a preamp model based on the Marshall JMP-1 valve preamp. Double Dynamic 57 AmpliTube 4 includes the Double Dynamic 57, a special mic setup based on a pair of Shure SM57 microphones.
Effects Loop New in AmpliTube 4 is an additional slot in the signal chain right after the amplifier pre-amp section but before the power stage. Below are all the gear models you can add to your rig through Custom Shop. An iconic distortion pedal that has stood the test of time.
This model alters the sound of the input signal by changing the sample-rate, cutoff frequency and by distorting it.
This effect can produce very aggressive distorted sounds, more pronunciated than overdrive stompboxes. The Low pass filter is very creative when combined to high distortion levels. First produced in , this is one of the most versatile distortion boxes ever made.
From subtle crunch to complete mayhem, this pedal has been used by countless guitarists of all styles. This hard-to-find vintage unit includes a built-in oscillator for infinite sustain. Hold notes to create amazing synth-like sounds or boost solos for more cutting tone, combined with classic distortion tones.
Nothing compares to this pedal for pure distortion mayhem. From subtle to over-the-top, the SD-1 pushes amps harder without sacrificing clarity and tone.
It’s basic controls make it easy to dial in the exact sound you want. One of the most versatile distortion boxes ever. From smooth, light crunch, to extreme shred sustain and over-the-top gain, this pedal has been a classic ever since its release in the early 80s. This pedal is a model of a beloved 80’s-era distortion pedal by a company known for making amps with amazing distortion.
This model packs a whole powerful amp into a single stomp box. This effect is a model of a classic high end compressor. It is capable of mild compression or intense signal slamming, and does it all with a tremendous amount of finesse. This model is a clean, highly effective 1 octave graphic equalizer, capable of fine tuning and dialing in that perfect tone. This is a clean sounding band graphic EQ. This stomp is an advanced filter effect. It uses the envelope of the incoming signal to control a synthesizer style filter.
It is capable of sounds ranging from very simple auto wah effects to extreme never before heard filtering effects. This complex stomp effect uses an LFO to modulate the frequency of its filter. With the included BPM sync this is a very useful effect for creating interesting, moving guitar parts with a minimum amount of trouble.
Make your guitar sound like a sitar or like a synth-drone to create sonic textures nobody will think has been done with a guitar.
A unique effect that can add synth-like drones and sustaining resonances to your parts. Set up the scale you want the resonances to sing on and control the notes with your controller to create arpeggios and steps while playing. A powerful and deep beat synced filter effect. This will make your guitars and bass parts to sound like a rhythmic synth, if you want it! This effect is modeled after the classic wah pedal used by many of the top players from the 60’s and 70’s. In addition to the wah effect it also features an auto function, allowing it to be used easily without an external controller.
This is a new exciting feature. This is a faithful rendition of a very sought-after wah pedal. Based on a multiple feedback opamp circuit, the pedal modeled here is a very expressive and unique wah pedal. This is considered to be one of the best sounding wah-wahs of all time.
Jimi Hendrix used many fuzz box units like this vintage model which adds to the powerful sound palette that AmpliTube 3 can offer. This effect is modeled after a classic germanium transistor fuzz stomp effect.
Typically used on lead guitar, this effect has remained a popular distortion effect throughout the years. This classic germanium transistor fuzz effect was the main fuzz box used by Jimi Hendrix. Often combined with a wah, this effect produced permanent sustain and endless distortion. Hendrix began using this fuzz box while playing in New York City before founding the Experience. A highly sought-after, rare fuzz box, it was one of the first commercially available floor effect units, making its first appearance in One of the most flexible flangers ever made, the BF-2 delivers everything from classic tape flange to over-the-top sweeps, vibratos, chorus and more!
Perfect for adding classic metal-style flange to your rig. It provides both analog Chorus and analog Vibrato effects, when in Chorus mode the modulation will be lush and slow, when in Vibrato effect the modulation will be faster and more noticeable.
While it has amazing warmth, it is also capable of very versatile chorus and ring modulation type sounds. Still, no flanger is more recognizable, making this perfect for hard-rock and metal tone.
This effect is one of the most popular phase pedal of all times. Used by a wide range of first-class guitarists, this unit could add a little bit of shimmer to your solos or generate a smooth, watery effect while playing chords and muted strumming.
Try the Phaze Nine on bass, keyboards or vocals. This effect is a model of a classic analog phase shifter, capable of a range of phaser effects from gentle to outlandish swirling effects. You may wonder why it is called “small” when you hear it. This effect is a 3 voice digital harmonizer effect. More than just a pitch shifter, this pedal will create 3 separate harmony voices with independent interval values based on a musical scale.
Simply select the scale to use, select the voice and the desired pitch and play. The harmonized notes will be according to the selected scale. This stomp effect is modeled after a classic dual voice octave pedal. It will produce two additional sounds, one and two octaves below the direct signal.
This effect shifts the pitch of the incoming signal. This new pitch shifted signal is blended with the original sound to create harmony guitar leads or other types of dual pitch effects. One of the most extreme effects of all time, the original Whammy is a costly vintage find these days. From classic shred to the most aggressive modern metal, this is an essential part of any extreme guitar rig. Add programmed rhythmic parts to your power chords and phrases with this powerful and creative beat synced slicing effect.
Can be setup to create anything from the most amazing tremolos to the most complex rhythm effects that always stay in perfect sync with the beat. This is an “auto volume” swell processor that can automatically create fantastic swell effects while playing without any manual intervention. Use it subtly to add groove to your rhythm parts or use it with deeper settings to create dreaming pads or string-like sounds.
This virtual stomp effect emulates the Ampeg SCP-OD Overdrive pedal. It recreates the original distortion circuit, adding upper octave harmonic content to the direct signal and creating as a result a unique overdrive effect. This stomp effect is modeled after the Ampeg SPC-OCT Octaver pedal. Moving the octave knob will double your direct signal one octave below the direct signal.
In this way you can make your melodic lines richer and fuller, expanding the frequency range. When in Chorus mode the modulation will be lush and slow. When in Vibrato effect the modulation will be faster and more noticeable. This model is based on a classic analog delay with modulation stomp pedal.
The auto option will produce the Wah effect automatically, meaning that there is no need for the manual intervention on the pedal position. This effect is modeled after a vintage compression stomp pedal and can deliver a strong sustain and powerful compression with lots of character. This stomp is a highly developed filter effect. Essentially, it uses the envelope of the incoming signal to control a synthesizer filter.
You can enhance your bass tone adding from simple auto Wah effects to extreme filtering effects. Used to capture and loop a short snippet of audio whose length is determined by the Time parameter while the block is enabled. Great for rhythmic stutter effects. You could almost consider Ratchet a simplified version of Tesselator, where the audio is captured AFTER the footswitch press, not before.
We originally planned to release Shimmer as two distinctly different reverbs—Luster and Sheen—but combining them into a single model and letting you seamlessly switch back and forth via a footswitch or snapshots seemed cooler.
These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development. New Legacy Effects in 3. Don’t sleep on these! New Features in 3. Or you could leave it set to “Global” and continue to turn the guitar pad on and off from the Global Settings menu.
When Pad is on, it’s the same as if Input Level is set to “Line”; when off, it’s the same as if Input Level is set to “Inst[rument]. Helix Floor, Helix Rack, Helix LT, HX Effects, HX Stomp, HX Stomp XL. Instead of manually having to assign parameters to incoming MIDI CC messages, Knobs for any block on the Home screen Knobs on HX Effects, HX Stomp, or HX Stomp XL respond to new global MIDI CCs.
This turns any programmable MIDI keyboard or tabletop controller into a simple way to edit blocks without having to reach down for those of you who can’t be bothered to use Pedal Edit Mode. We ran out of reserved Global CCs and unfortunately had to steal five user-assignable CCs for this feature. Any parameters you’ve assigned to CCCC81 will have to be remapped. Sorry ’bout that. Other Changes and Improvements in 3.
This means the same stomp switch could recall a different, specific snapshot or next or previous snapshot per snapshot. For example, imagine that you are on Snapshot 1 and create an HX Snapshot command on FS2. You set it so that pressing that switch recalls Snapshot 3. You then switch to Snapshot 3 and set the same switch to recall Snapshot 6. Recall Snapshot 6 and set the switch to recall Snapshot 2. Finally, you recall Snapshot 2 and set the switch to recall Snapshot 1.
Now, you go back to Snapshot 1 and begin pressing the switch. NOTE: this assumes that the Snapshot Edits global is set to Recall. If it’s set to Discard, you’d have to save the preset after each set in order for the changes to stick. The default value “Toggle” behaves as this feature always has – bringing the pedal past threshold will toggle the block’s bypass state from what it is currently i. enable if currently bypassed and vice versa. So with “Heel Down” selected, the block will always enable when you cross the Position threshold and bypass when you return below it.
Encoder ballistics have been improved. For parameters with hundreds of values, you can now go from Min to Max in a couple of turns. Bug Fixes in 3. Known Issues in 3. Helix Native 3. Some hardware compatibility modes HX Stomp, HX Stomp XL, HX Effects do not have this feature as they only have one setlist. In these modes, the setlist or presets will need to be exported instead of a bundle.
Apple Silicon Support. NOTE: HX Edit software has worked with M1 Macs from day one. This driver provides support for Apple Silicon systems M1 and greater for POD HD family devices. For macOS Catalina or earlier, please use driver 7. Installation of this driver will require lowering your system security settings. Please click here for installation instructions. If you have previously installed the 7.
This driver adds support for Apple Silicon systems M1 and greater. For macOS Catalina or earlier, please use driver 1. This driver provides sample rate conversion for For 48kHz operation, we recommend using the Mac class compliant driver. POD Go 1. POD Go Edit can’t magically see new models added to your POD Go hardware; you MUST update POD Go Edit to 1. Here’s a link:. My POD Go is at version 1. Can I go straight to 1. We STRONGLY recommend performing a factory reset AFTER UPDATING your POD Go firmware to 1.
New Amp in 1. New Effects in 1. New Features in 1. Or, if you want to revert it to factory default, you can do that too. On Play view, when in Snapshot footswitch mode, custom snapshot names appear in the boxes with smaller camera icons:. Prior to 1. Now you can choose whether it controls the Main Outs, Amp Out, or both. Only set this to “Amp Out” or “Both” when using a full-range, flat response FRFR speaker, studio monitor, or similar playback system.
Wireless Transmitter Updating via POD Go Edit. POD Go Wireless can now update a connected G10T or G10T II via POD Go Edit. Bug Fixes in 1. Known Issues in 1.
Updating is highly recommended. HX Edit 3. Did you happen to update HX Edit to 3. The software will walk you through the entire procedure, including updating HX Edit 3.
What if I didn’t update HX Edit to 3. What if I don’t remember? What’s going on? Where am I? Here’s the link:. If you run into any odd behavior, before running to the internet to complain , perform a factory reset and restore your backup. This should solve any issues. IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP FIRST, AS THIS WILL ERASE ALL YOUR WORK! New Effects in 3. Oversampling has been increased across the board, resulting in higher fidelity, fewer aliasing artifacts, and smoother decay trails, especially when running multiple distortion stages or with higher gain tones.
Many people might not notice a difference, but those highly sensitive to aliasing will appreciate 3. Amp and effects models have been optimized to accommodate these improvements without increasing DSP usage.
This is especially helpful when multiple blocks, controls, or commands are assigned to the same switch; it doesn’t have to read “MULTIPLE X ” anymore.